1GE GPON mini ONU is a new energy-saving and environment-friendly passive optical network terminal of Qualfiber. It provides a 10/100/1000Mbps Base-T LAN interface, one optical PON interface, support router function, suitable for home and small business.
1GE GPON mini ONU er ný orkusparandi og umhverfisvæn aðgerðalaus sjónstöðvar Qualfiber. Það býður upp á 10/100/1000 Mbps Base-T LAN tengi, eitt sjón-PON tengi, stuðningsleiðaraðgerð, hentugur fyrir heimili og smáfyrirtæki.
Click to see 1GE EPON ONU mini í sömu gerð. OEM er fáanlegt. Af hverju kjósum við þennan lítill ONU í stað multi-LAN-tengis og Wi-Fi ONU?
-There are always many obstacles, walls, furniture, and other things may reduce the WiFi signal especially when you’re living a big house or building. Then the WiFi extender became popular a few years ago. However, we have to switch the WiFi name and reconnect when we move to another place. Then we get möskvaleiðslur núna, sem leystu öll vandamálin. Þannig að þetta hagkvæmni
means power-saving and prevent waste of the multi-LAN-interface and WiFi when we already have a router or mesh router. The cabling of LAN became much easier when you use the mesh router.
- Please check the picture below and you may find 1GE ONU is enough when your customers don’t need the IPTV or VoIP service. or these services will be provided by other lines.
By the way, If you need other functionality(CATV, TEL) in your optical network terminal, we’d like to commend the following products:
Click to see 1GE EPON ONU mini í sömu gerð. OEM er fáanlegt. Af hverju kjósum við þennan lítill ONU í stað multi-LAN-tengis og Wi-Fi ONU?
-There are always many obstacles, walls, furniture, and other things may reduce the WiFi signal especially when you’re living a big house or building. Then the WiFi extender became popular a few years ago. However, we have to switch the WiFi name and reconnect when we move to another place. Then we get möskvaleiðslur núna, sem leystu öll vandamálin. Þannig að þetta hagkvæmni
means power-saving and prevent waste of the multi-LAN-interface and WiFi when we already have a router or mesh router. The cabling of LAN became much easier when you use the mesh router.
- Please check the picture below and you may find 1GE ONU is enough when your customers don’t need the IPTV or VoIP service. or these services will be provided by other lines.
By the way, If you need other functionality(CATV, TEL) in your optical network terminal, we’d like to commend the following products:
- Það tekur PTMP (benda til fjölpunkta) netvöðvakerfi, safnar í raun og saman og dreifir Ethernet þjónustu og veitir 10/100 / 1000M Ethernet staðlaða RJ45 tengi, samtengist vel við núverandi net.
- Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation (DBA) vélbúnaðurinn gerir öllum notendum kleift að deila 2,5Gbps bandbreiddinni með sanngjörnum hætti og tryggir áreiðanlegt QoS.
- Styður IGMP multicast, skilvirka notkun breiðbands, multicast VLAN, ITU-T G.984 siðareglur, fjarstýringu í gegnum OLT og staðbundna stjórnun líka.
- Styður FEC og DBA, IEEE802.1Q VLAN samskiptareglur, fjartengingu og sjúkdómsgreiningar á netkerfi ;
- Styður stormstýringu, NAT, PPPOE, DHCP Server Client, Route;
Tæknilegar breytur
Eining | GPON ONU 1GE |
User interface | 1 * 10/100 / 1000M RJ45 höfn. |
PON | Sendingahraði: andstreymis 1,25 Gbps / downstream 2,5 Gbps Network coverage radius: 20KM Optical receive sensitivity:≥-28dBm Continuous light power: 0.5dBm~+5dBm Security: ONU authentication mechanism |
Bókun | Samræmist IEEE 802.3ah YD/T 1475-2006 IEEE 802.1D, Spanning Tree IEEE 802.1Q, VLAN IEEE 802.1w, RSTP IEEE 802.3ad (LACP) Ethernet–II, Ethernet-SNAP |
Leið | Stuðningur NAT Support PPPOE Support Server Client Support Route |
VLAN | Port byggir VLAN GVRP IEEE 802.1Q VLAN |
QoS | Bakþrýstingur flæði stjórna (hálf-duplex) IEEE 802.3x flow control(full-duplex) Prevent Head Of Line IEEE 802.1p, CoS WR, SP and FIFO queue scheduling algorithm Port rate limit |
Öryggi | IEEE 802.1x, aðgangsstýring byggð á höfn; styðja staðbundna og fjarlæga RADIUS. CHAP,EAP certification; Storm control, port protection, |
Stjórnun | Ýmsir stjórnunarhættir svo sem Vefur, TELNET Debug function. |
Stærð | 80mm (L) × 80mm (W) × 25mm (H) |
Umhverfi | Rekstrarhiti: 0 ℃ ~ 60 ℃; Operating humidity:10%~85% non-condensing |
Geymsluhitastig: -40 ℃ ~ 80 ℃; Storage humidity:5%~95% non-condensing |
Aflgjafi | 110~240VAC 12V/0.5A DC Power interface size:2.1mm/5.5mm or Customized |
Orkunotkun | 2,5W |
Upplýsingar um pöntun
Eining | Lýsing |
QF-GS101S | GPON ONU, Ein 10/100 / 1000M RJ45 tengi, 1 trefjarviðmót fyrir GPON, Litur: Hvítur / Svartur / Rjómalöguð / Sérsniðin |
Qualfiber Technology Co., Ltd
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