• MPO / MTP Patch Cord

MPO / MTP Patch Cord

The MPO / MTP AOC assemblies are installed in active optical cable, such as QSFP / QDR / CXP. Utilizing MPO / MTP Ferrule and FA to assemble the mini high speed connect patchcord.Optical Fiber Cable From 2 core to 24 core Fiber: can choose SM 9/125 or MM: 62.5/125 ,50/125, OM1,OM2,OM3,OM4. Low loss patch cord.


    Product Detail

    Ny fahazoan-dàlana ▪ SM na MM dia misy; PC (fiaramanidina) na ny APC (8 mari-pahaizana) azo
    ▪ Tsy mitovy IL fanondroana sy ny samihafa loko azo
    ▪ tranon'omby fampisehoana fanondroana ny PIN fiexed toeran'ny connectingl
    ▪ plug karazana connector amin'ny Fanidiana structurel
    ▪ High hakitroky izay mety ho wiring sy ny rafitra fitantanana
    ▪ Comply with Telcordia GR-1435-CORE and RoHS standard 


    ▪ tambajotra telecom ▪ fandefasana rafitra ▪ Fitaovana telecom vina ▪ Fanaraha-maso ny famerenan'ny tariby



    HYC-DC-003 MPO MTP Patch cord.jpg

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