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  • Duçare duçerxa kabloya zordar
  • Duçare duçerxa kabloya zordar
  • Duçare duçerxa kabloya zordar

Duçare duçerxa kabloya zordar

2 kabloya optîkî ya bingehîn ADSS ji bo zext û zexta giran

Indoor and Outdoor distribution;
pigtails and patch cords;
optical connections in optical communication equipment rooms and optical distribution frames;
optical connections in the optical apparatus and equipment.


Berfirehiya hilberê

. Good mechanical and environmental characteristics;
· Flame retardant characteristics meet the requirements of relevant standards;
· Taybetmendiyên mekanîkî hewcedariyên standardên têkildar bicîh tîne;
· Paqij, nermik, rûkenbar û bi veguhastina mezin a daneya kapasîteya mezin;
· Meet various requirements of the market and clients.

Rengê nermalava rengîn

Qualfiber Tight_Buffer-greenQualfiber Tight_Buffer-Red

Kevir (mm) OD (m)
tight-buffered 0.30 ± 0.03 0,9 + 0,05
0.30 ± 0.03 çekdarî 0.2-0.25 2.8
kevlar / ripcord / LSZH 0.35-0.4 3,7 ± 0.05
LSZH 0,7-0.75 ripxord / yarî / /

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