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  • GYFTC8Y 48 Core SM G652D Cabluri de fibra optica exterioara
  • GYFTC8Y 48 Core SM G652D Cabluri de fibra optica exterioara

GYFTC8Y 48 Core SM G652D Cabluri de fibra optica exterioara

GYFTC8Y 48 Core SM G652D Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable are placed in a loose tube made of high modulus plastic. The tubes are filled with a water-resistant filling compound. A FRP locates in the center of core as a non-metallic strength member. The tubes (and fillers) are stranded around the strength member into a compact and circular cable core. After wrapped with the water blocking tape, this part of cable accompanied with the stranded wires as the supporting part are completed with a polyethylene (PE) sheath to be figure 8 structure. This kind of cable is specifically applied for self-supporting aerial installation.


Detaliile produsului


Detalii despre construcția cablurilor

Număr de fibre 48F
Fibră SM Tip fibră G652D Eroare de concentricitate ≤0.5um
MFD 8.6 ~ 9.8um Netralitatea placării ≤0.7%
Diametrul placării 124,8 ± 0.7um Culoare fibră spectru standard
Tub liber Material PBT Culoare spectru standard
Sistem de blocare a apei Material water blocking tape
Membrul central al forței Material FRP Diametru 1.4±0.1mm
Self support strength member Material Steel stranded wire mărimea 1.0mm * 7
Gallus Material PE mărimea
(h * w)
2.5 1.5mm *
Outsheath Material PE
 Diametru 5.4±(0.3)x8.6(±0.3)-15.0±(1mm) thickness 1,7 ± 0.2mm


Fiber Color in each Tube

fiber color with numbers 1.1


Tube Color of each cable

qualfiber tube color

Caracteristici mecanice prin cablu și mediu

Rezistență la tracțiune Pe termen lung (N) 3000N
Pe termen scurt (N) 7000N
Încărcați sarcina Pe termen lung (N) 300N / 100mm
Pe termen scurt (N) 1000N / 100mm
Raza de îndoire Dinamic 20D
Static 10D
Temperatura -40℃~+60℃


Caracteristicile fibrelor

Tip fibră Unitate SM G652D MM 50/125 MM 62,5 / 125
Condiție mm 1310/1550 850/1300 850/1300
Atenuare dB / km ≤0.36 / 0,24 ≤3.0 / 1.5 ≤3.0 / 1.5
Diametrul placării um 125 ± 1 125 ± 1 125 ± 1
Netralitatea placării % ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤1.0
Diametrul acoperirii um 242 ± 7 242 ± 7 242 ± 7

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