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  • Flat Twin Duplex armored Indoor Cable (GJFJBV)
  • Flat Twin Duplex armored Indoor Cable (GJFJBV)

Flat Twin Duplex armored Indoor Cable (GJFJBV)

Flat Twin Duplex armored Indoor Cable (GJFJBV)




    Lintlha tsa kaho ea Cable:

    Paramente ea Bohlale:
    Bophahamo ba Kantle (MM) 3.0 × 5.0 Boima (KG) 95
    Mocheso oa polokelo (℃) -20 + 60
    Radius e Bonyane Nako e telele 10D
    Mets kobang
    Radius (limilimithara)
    Nako e khutšoane 20D
    Mets lumelleha
    Tensile Matla (N)
    Nako e telele 300
    Mets lumelleha
    Tensile Matla (N)
    Nako e khutšoane 1000
    Moroalo oa Crush (N / 100mm) Nako e telele 500
    Moroalo oa Crush (N / 100mm) nako e khutšoane 1000


    Mmala o tloaelehileng oa fiber le tube

    Tsebiso e Tloaelehileng ea Mebala
    Che. 1 2
    Mmala Qualfiber Tight_Buffer-yellow Qualfiber Tight_Buffer-white


    Sebopeho sa fiber

    Mokhoa oa feshene Setsi SM
    62,5 / 125
    boemo nm 1310/1550 1310/1550 850/1300 850/1300 850/1300
    tumello dB / km ≤3.0 / 1.0 ≤3.0 / 1.0
    0.36 / 0.23 0.34 / 0.22 3.0 / 1.0 —- —-
    Khatello 1550nm Ps / (nm * km) —- ≤18 —- —- Khatello
    1625nm Ps / (nm * km) —- ≤22 —- —-
    Bandwith 850nm MHZ.KM —- —- ≧ 400 ≧ 160  Bandwith
    1300nm MHZ.KM —- —- ≧ 800 ≧ 500
    Zero dispersion wavelength nm 1300-1324 ≧ 1302,
    —- —- ≧ 1295,
    Seroasoho sa letsoalo nm ≤0.092 ≤0.091 —- —- —-
    PMD Maximum Motho ka Mong Fibr ≤0.2 ≤0.2 —- —- ≤0.11
    Boleng ba Design ea PMD Ps (nm2 * k
    ≤0.12 ≤0.08 —- —- —-
    Fiber cutoff wavelength λc nm ≧ 1180,
    ≧ 1180,
    —- —- —-
    Cable sutoff
    wavelength λcc
    nm ≤1260 ≤1260 —- —- —-
    MFD 1310nm mm 9.2 +/- 0.4 9.2 +/- 0.4 —- —- —-
    1550nm mm 10.4 +/- 0.8 10.4 +/- 0.8 —- —- —-
    Lipalo tsa lipalo
    —- —- 0.200 + /
    0.275 +/- 0.
    0.200 +/- 0
    Mohato (ho bolela
    dB ≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤0.10 ≤0.10 ≤0.10
    Lintho tse sa tsamaeeng ho feta
    le ntlha
    dB ≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤0.10 ≤0.10 ≤0.10
    Phapang backscatter
    dB / km ≤0.05 ≤0.03 ≤0.08 ≤0.10 ≤0.08
    Tekanyo ea tloaelo dB / km ≤0.01 ≤0.01
    Core dimater mm 50 +/- 1.0 62.5 +/- 2,5 50 +/- 1.0
    Bophara ba cladding mm 125.0 +/- 0,1 125.0 +/- 0,1 125.0 +/- 0,1 125.0 +/- 0,1 125.0 +/- 0,1
    Ho roala metheo e sa potoloha % ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤1.0
    Bophara ba koae mm 242 +/- 7 242 +/- 7 242 +/- 7 242 +/- 7 242 +/- 7
    Li-coating / chaffinch
    phoso e tebileng
    mm ≤12.0 ≤12.0 ≤12.0 ≤12.0 ≤12.0
    Coating non-circity % ≤6.0 ≤6.0 ≤6.0 ≤6.0 ≤6.0
    Core / Ho ferekanya phoso ea conentricity mm ≤0.6 ≤0.6 ≤1.5 ≤1.5 ≤1.5
    Curl (radius) mm ≤4 ≤4 —- —- —-



    Sesebelisoa sa 1.Packing: Moqomo oa lehong
    Bolelele ba 2.Packing: bolelele bo tloaelehileng ba cable e tla ba 2 km. Bolelele bo bong ba cable bo fumaneha hape
     haeba e hlokahala ke custome

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