GJBFJV fiber optic cable 24core indoor distribution break-out cable. Multi-purpose break-out cable use simplex cable (2.0mm tight fiber, aramid yarn as strength member ) as a subunit. A fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) is located in the center of the core as s non-metallic strength member. The subunits are stranded together around the cable core. Then the cable is completed with the LSZH jacket.
GJBFJV fiber optic cable 24core indoor distribution break-out cable. Multi-purpose break-out cable use simplex cable (2.0mm tight fiber, aramid yarn as strength member ) as a subunit. A fiber-reinforced plastic (FRP) is located in the center of the core as s non-metallic strength member. The subunits are stranded together around the cable core. Then the cable is completed with the LSZH jacket.
Dàta teignigeach
Àireamh de chàball | 24 | |||
Modail fiber | G.652D | |||
Dealbhadh (StrengthMember + Tube) | 1 + 9 + 15 | |||
Ball Neart Meadhan | Stuth | MDPE | ||
Trast-thomhas (± 0.06) mm | 5.0 | |||
Loidhnichean teann | Stuth | PVC | ||
Tiugh (± 0.03) mm | 0.32 | |||
Trast-thomhas (± 0.06) mm | 0.9 | |||
Ball Neart | Stuth | Aramid Yarn | ||
Sheath a-staigh | Stuth | LSZH | ||
Tiugh (± 0.2) mm | 0.5 | |||
Trast-thomhas (± 0.2) mm | 2.5 | |||
Sheath a-muigh | Stuth | LSZH | ||
Tiugh (± 0.2) mm | 1.7 | |||
Trast-thomhas càball (± 0.2) mm | 18.4 | |||
Wetght càball (± 10) kg / km | 325 | |||
Attenuation | 1310nm | dB / km | 0.8 | |
1550nm | 0.6 | |||
Neart tensile ceadaichte | Teirm goirid | N. | 1320 | |
Fad-ùine | 400 | |||
Resistance crush ceadaichte | Teirm goirid | N / 100mm | 1000 | |
Fad-ùine | 300 | |||
Mion. radius cromadh | Sin teannachadh | 10.0 × Càball-φ | ||
Fo an teannachadh as àirde | 20.0 × Càball-φ | |||
Raon teothachd obrachaidh (℃) | -10 ~ + 40 |
Togalaichean snàithleach optigeach aon mhodh (ITU-T Rec. G.652.D )
Nì | Sònrachadh |
F.iber t ype | Modh singilte |
Stuth fiber | Doped silica |
Co-èifeachd teannachaidh @ 1310 nm @ 1383 nm @ 1550 nm @ 1625 nm |
£ 0.36 dB/km £ 0.32 dB/km £ 0.22 dB/km £ 0.30 dB/km |
Neo-làthaireachd puing | £ 0.05 dB |
Tonn gearraichte càball | £ 1260 nm |
Tonn-tonn sgaoilidh | 1300 ~ 1324 nm |
Bruthach neoni-sgapaidh | £ 0.09 2 ps / (nm 2 .km) |
Sgaoileadh cromach @ 128 8 ~ 133 9 nm @ 1271 ~ 1360 nm @ 1550 nm @ 1 625 nm |
£ 3.5 ps / (nm. Km) £ 5.3 ps / (nm . Km) £ 18 ps / (nm . Km) £ 22 ps / (nm . Km) |
PMD Q (Cuibhreann cuibheasach *) | £ 0. 2 ps / km 1/2 |
Trast-thomhas achadh modh @ 1310 nm | 9.2 ± 0.4 um |
Core / Clad | £ 0. 5 um |
Trast-thomhas a ’chòmhdaich | 125.0 ± 0.7 um |
Còmhdach neo-chearcallach | £ 1.0 % |
Trast-thomhas còmhdach bun-sgoile | 245 ± 10 um |
Ìre deuchainn dearbhaidh | 100 kpsi (= 0.69 Gpa), 1% |
Eisimeileachd teothachd 0oC ~ + 70oC @ 1310 & 1550nm |
£ 0.1 dB / km |
Comharradh sheath
Tha dath a ’chomharra geal, ach ma tha feum air ath- chomharrachadh, thèid an comharrachadh
Tha corra chomharradh faid ceadaichte ma tha an dà faisg air
Tha dà cheann càball air an seuladh le caiptean deiridh teas gus casg a chuir air uisge a dhol a-steach.
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