• CWDM sía

CWDM sía

With the development of data communication and telecommunications technology, a metropolitan area network is a full-service network that integrates voice, data, and images. Since the transmission distance of the metropolitan area network is usually no more than 100km, the system does not require high transmission attenuation of single-mode fiber, and does not require the use of fiber amplifiers. In order to use the bandwidth window of 1270~1610nm and set the interval between adjacent wavelengths to 20nm, a multiplexing system of 18 wavelengths can be formed, which is a coarse wavelength division multiplexing system. Therefore, the coarse wavelength division multiplexer CWDM (CWDM: Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing) is one of the most important components in the coarse wavelength division multiplexing system. CWDM has the characteristics of low cost, low power consumption, small size, flexible networking mode, etc., which makes the current CWDM system widely used. All CWDM devices provided by Kehai have undergone 24-hour high and low temperature cycling and drop tests, and the product quality is reliable and stable.



      1. Lögun
    • Lágt innsetningar tap
    • Mikil einangrun
    • Lágt PDL
    • Samningur Hönnun
    • Víðtæk bylgjulengd: 1260nm ~ 1620nm
    • Breitt vinnsluhitastig: -4 5~ 85 ℃
    • Mikil áreiðanleiki og stöðugleiki

    2. Forrit
    C WDM kerfi
    PON netkerfi
    CATV tenglar

    3. Fylgni
    Telcordia GR-1209-CORE -2001
    Telcordia GR-1221-CORE -1999
    ITU-T G.694.1

    4.   Tæknilýsing

    Miðbylgjulengd (nm) ITU , ITU + 1
    Passband (nm) ITU ± 6,5
    Starfsbylgjulengd (nm) 1260-1620
    Rásarými (nm) 20
    Gerð trefjar SMF-28e eða viðskiptavinur tilgreindur
    IL (dB) Sendiband 0. 6
    Speglunarband 0. 4
    Einangrun (dB) Sendiband 30
    Speglunarband 12
    Gára (dB) 0,3
    Skerðingarháð tap (dB) 0,1
    Polarization Mode Dreifing (ps) 0,1
    RL (dB) 45
    Tilskipun (dB) 50
    Hámarks sjónstyrkur (mw) 500
    Rekstrarhiti ( ) -575eða -4585
    Geymsluhiti ( ) -40 85
    Mál pakkningar (mm)  ( Φ *L ) 5,5 * 34 ( 250um )
    Mál pakkningar (mm)  ( Φ *L ) 5,5 * 3 8 ( 0,9 mm)

    1. Tilgreind án tengja.
    2. Bættu viðbótar 0,2dB tapi við hvert tengi.

    5Vélræn mál

    6.   Panta upplýsingar

    QWD - XX X XX X XX - X X X
    Port stillingar WDM gerð Miðju bylgjulengd Gerð trefjar Framleiðsla Trefjarlengd COM tengi Passport tengi Tengingar fyrir speglun höfn
    QQ ualfiber 01 = 1 * 1 C = CWDM 1460-1620 47 = 1470/1471 B = 250um ber trefjar 10 = 1,0 m 0 = Enginn 0 = Enginn 0 = Enginn
    W = WDM 02 = 1 * 2 Q = CWDM 1260-1620 ……. L = 900um laus rör 12 = 1,2m 1 = FC / UPC 1 = FC / UPC 1 = FC / UPC
    D = tæki 61 = 1610/1611 T = 900um þéttur stuðpúði 15 = 1,5m 2 = FC / APC 2 = FC / APC 2 = FC / APC
    …… 3 = SC / UPC 3 = SC / UPC 3 = SC / UPC
    XX = Sérsniðin 4 = SC / APC 4 = SC / APC 4 = SC / APC
    5 = LC / UPC 5 = LC / UPC 5 = LC / UPC
    6 = LC / APC 6 = LC / APC 6 = LC / APC
    X = Sérsniðin X = Sérsniðin X =


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