• GYXTC8Y Fiber Optic Cable with Kevlar
  • GYXTC8Y Fiber Optic Cable with Kevlar

GYXTC8Y Fiber Optic Cable with Kevlar

The core of the GYXTC8Y optical cable is a single bundle tube without twist, which is laid in parallel with the reinforcement of the optical cable, and the core and the suspension line are in the figure 8. From the structural characteristics, it can be seen that the optical fiber has no structural surplus length, and the surplus length of the optical fiber in the optical cable is equal to the surplus length of the optical fiber in the optical fiber bundle tube, which is similar to the central bundle tube optical cable. The structure of the optical cable is shown in Figure 8. High strength galvanized steel wire is used as suspension wire to form the main tension element of the optical cable; PBT oil filled loose tube and full chromatographic optical fiber are used; steel plastic composite belt with light armor and polyethylene sheath are used to form steel plastic bonded comprehensive sheath; water blocking materials are filled between the cable cores to realize full section water blocking cable.
The core is compact in structure, light in weight, small in size, convenient for construction and maintenance, and low in manufacturing cost, which can effectively reduce the investment cost for users.


    Jinis Produk

     Rincian konstruksi kabel:
    Jumlah serat 1 ~ 12core
    Leungit pipah matérial PBT
    Diameter 3.0mm +/- 0.2mm
    pangrojong diri diameter diameter baja 1.6mm
    Dhiameter kabel sadayana 4,0 × 6.0
    Beurat kabel per km 45kg / km
    Warna Serat
    Jumlah serat per 1 2 3 4 5 6
    tabung 8cores Biru  oranyeu  Héjo  Coklat  Abu  Bodas
    7 8 9 10 11 12
    Beureum Hideung Koneng  Violet  Aink Aqua
    Listrik ciri mékanis
    inti Diaméter kabel beurat
    1 ~ 12 4,0 × 6.0 45kg / km
    Kisaran suhu 30 —–
    Min Bending Radius (mm) Jangka panjang 10D
    Min Bending Jangka pondok 20D
    Radius (mm)
    Min ku Jangka panjang 700
    Kakuatan tegangan (N)
    Min ku Jangka pondok 1200
    Kakuatan tegangan (N)
    Operasi 30
    suhu (℃)
    Pamasangan 40
    suhu (℃)
    Panyimpen temprature 30
    Serat ciri
    Gaya serat Unit SM SM MM MM MM
    G652 G652D 50/125 62.5 / 125 OM3-300
    kaayaan nm 1310/1550 1310/1550 850/1300 850/1300 850/1300
    atenuasi dB / km ≤3.0 / 1.0 ≤3.0 / 1.0
    0,36 / 0.23 0,34 / 0.22 3,0 / 1.0 —- —-
    Nyebatna 1550nm Ps / (nm * km) —- ≤18 —- —- Nyebatna
    1625nm Ps / (nm * km) —- ≤22 —- —-
    Bandwith 850nm MHZ.KM —- —- ≧ 400 ≧ 160  Bandwith
    1300nm MHZ.KM —- —- 800 ≧ 500
    Gelombang penyebaran zero nm 1300-1324 ≧ 1302, —- —- ≧ 1295,
    ≤1322 ≤1320
    Lamping Zero lamping nm ≤0.092 ≤0.091 —- —- —-
    Fibril Individu PMD Maksimum ≤0.2 ≤0.2 —- —- ≤0.11
    Nilai Patalina PMD Desain Ps (nm2 * k ≤0.12 ≤0.08 —- —- —-
    Serat panjang gelombang cutoff λc nm ≧ 1180, ≧ 1180, —- —- —-
    ≤1330 ≤1330
    Panjang nm ≤1260 ≤1260 —- —- —-
    panjang gelombang λcc
    MFD 1310nm Ehm 9.2 +/- 0,4 9.2 +/- 0,4 —- —- —-
    1550nm Ehm 10,4 +/- 0,8 10,4 +/- 0,8 —- —- —-
    Nomer —- —- 0,200 + / 0,275 +/- 0. 0,200 +/- 0
    Bukaan (NA) -0,015 15 0,015
    Léngkah (maksud dB ≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤0.10 ≤0.10 ≤0.10
    Kaanggotaan tina serat dB ≤0.05 ≤0.05 ≤0.10 ≤0.10 ≤0.10
    panjang sareng titik
    Bédana tukang-tukang dB / km ≤0.05 ≤0.03 ≤0.08 ≤0.10 ≤0.08
    Kaasaruaan Attenuasi dB / km ≤0.01 ≤0.01
    Dimater inti Ehm 50 +/- 1.0 62.5 +/- 2,5 50 +/- 1.0
    Diaméteran panyétok Ehm 125,0 +/- 0,1 125,0 +/- 0,1 125,0 +/- 0,1 125,0 +/- 0,1 125,0 +/- 0,1
    Panutupan non-sirkularitas % ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤1.0 ≤1.0
    Diaméter palapis Ehm 242 +/- 7 242 +/- 7 242 +/- 7 242 +/- 7 242 +/- 7
    Palapis / chaffinch Ehm ≤12.0 ≤12.0 ≤12.0 ≤12.0 ≤12.0
    kasalahan kasalahan
    Palapis non circularity % ≤6.0 ≤6.0 ≤6.0 ≤6.0 ≤6.0
    Kasalahan konperénsi inti / cladding Ehm ≤0.6 ≤0.6 ≤1.5 ≤1.5 ≤1.5
    Keriting (radius) Ehm ≤4 ≤4 —- —- —-
    Bahan 1.Packing: Gendong kayu
    Panjangna 2.Packing: panjang kabel baku kedah 2 km. Panjang kabel sanésna ogé availabler
    upami diperlukeun ku custome
    Nyirian kabel sareng kabel reel
    Sarung kabel kedah ditandaan ku karakter bodas nurutkeun sarat palanggan.

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