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  • Fiber to the Home Aerial Drop Cable
  • Fiber to the Home Aerial Drop Cable

Fiber to the Home Aerial Drop Cable

Fiber Optic Drop Cable access to the use of dish-shaped optical cable (indoor wiring) is the optical communication unit (fiber) in the center, placed on both sides of two parallel non-metallic reinforcement (FRP) or metal reinforcing member, and finally extrusion black or color poly Vinyl chloride (PVC) or LSZH (LSZH, low smoke, halogen-free, flame retardant) jacket.


    Mahsulot tafsiloti

    Cable construction details 
    Elyaf soni 1 ~ 4core
         Markaziy quvvat a'zosi      Materiallar FRP
         hajmi 2 * 0.52mm
    Tashqi qoplama material LSZH
    diametri 2,0 ± 0,2 mm
    Kabel o'lchami (Balandlik * kenglik) 2.0 (± 0.1) mm × 3.0 (± 0.2) mm
    Kabelning og'irligi     8,0KG ± 1KG

    Cable Mechanical characteristic  

    Elementlar Ta'rif
    O'rnatish harorat oralig'i (() -20 + 70
    Ishlash va transport harorati (() -20 + 70
    Minimal bükme radiusi (mm) Uzoq muddat 10D
    Minimal bükme
    radiusi (mm)
    Qisqa muddat 20D
    Minimal ruxsat etilgan
    kuchlanish kuchi (N)
    Uzoq muddat 150
    Minimal ruxsat etilgan
    kuchlanish kuchi (N)
    Qisqa muddat 300
        Siqish yuki (N / 100 mm)     Uzoq muddat 1000
        Siqish yuki (N / 100 mm)     qisqa muddat 1200

    Fiber characteristics 

    Elyaf tarzi Birlik SM
    shart nm 1310/1550 yil 1310/1550 yil 1310/1550 yil
    tushkunlik dB / km ≤0.36 / 0.23 ≤3,5 / 0.21 ≤3,5 / 0.21
    Dispersiya 1310nm Ps / (nm * km) ≤18 ≤18 ≤18
    1550nm Ps / (nm * km) ≤22 ≤22 ≤22
    Nol tarqalish to'lqin uzunligi nm 1312 ± 10 ga teng 1312 ± 10 ga teng 1300-1324 yillarda
    Nol dispersiya qiyaligi ps / (nm² × Km) ≤0.091 ≤0.090 .090.092
    PMD maksimal individual tolasi [ps / km] ≤0.2 ≤0.2 ≤0.2
    PMD dizaynidagi ulanish qiymati ps / (nm² × Km) ≤0.08 ≤0.08 ≤0.08
    Tolaning kesish to'lqin uzunligi λc nm ≧ 1180, ≤1330 ≧ 1180, ≤1330 ≧ 1180, ≤1330
    Kabel kesish to'lqin uzunligi λcc nm ≤1260 … .. … ..
    MFD 1310nm um 9,2 ± 0,4 9,0 ± 0,4

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