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  • 24-288F SM G652D Direct Burial Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable GYFTA53
  • 24-288F SM G652D Direct Burial Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable GYFTA53

24-288F SM G652D Direct Burial Outdoor Fiber Optic Cable GYFTA53

The fibers, 250µm, are positioned in a loose tube made of a high modulus plastic. The tubes are filled with a water-resistant filling compound. A steel wire, sometimes sheathed with polyethylene (PE) for cable with high fiber count, locates in the center of core as a metallic strength member. Tubes (and fillers) are stranded around the strength member into a compact and circular cable core. An Aluminum Polyethylene Laminate (APL) is applied around the cable core, which is filled with the filling compound to protect it from water ingress. Then, the cable is completed with a PE/LSZH sheath.


Khoom Nthuav dav

Kev piav qhia

Cov ntsiab lus meej

Fiber ntau suav 24-288F
SM fiber ntau G652D
Hom fiber ntau G652D Concentricity yuam kev 1um
MFD 8.7 ~ 9.7um Cladding tsis-ncig ≤2%
Cladding taub 125 ± 2um Cov xim fiber ntau txheem spectrum
Xoob raj Cov khoom siv PBT Xim Txheem spectrum
Qty 4 Fiber ua ntej raj 6
Ruam pas nrig Cov khoom siv PP Qty 1
Kev txhawb nqa lub zog nruab nrab Cov khoom siv FRP Txoj kab uas hla 1.5mm±0.1mm
Dej thaiv kab ke Cov khoom siv Filling gel
Inner armor Cov khoom siv Aluminium kab xev
Sab hauv sheath Cov khoom siv PE Xim Dub
Txoj kab uas hla 7.6±0.2mm Thickness 1.0±0.1mm
Outer armor Cov khoom siv Corrugated daim kab xev steel
Cov xov paj Cov khoom siv Kevlar xov
Txheej sheath Cov khoom siv PE/HDPE/LSZH Xim Dub
Txoj kab uas hla 12.2±0.5mm Thickness 1.7 ± 0.2 hli


Cov xim fiber ntau

Tsis yog. 1 2 3 4 5 6
Xim 1.Blue fiber-Qualfiber


Raj Xim

Tsis yog. 1 2 3 4

Kev siv tshuab txhua yam thiab ib puag ncig

Lub zog tawv Lub sij hawm ntev (N) 900N
Lub sij hawm luv luv (N) 2700N
Thauj khoom thauj khoom Lub sijhawm ntev 3000N / 100mm
Lub sijhawm luv luv 1000N / 100mm
Dabtsi yog khoov vojvoog Txau Ntshai 20D
Static 10D
Kev khiav hauj lwm kub -20℃~+60℃


Kev ua Fiber ntau

Fiber ntau attenuation 1310um 0.36dB / km
1550um 0.24dB / km



Cov khoom siv ntim: Ntoo nruas.

Packing ntev: 2km rau ib lub nruas.


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